GreenPass Presented in IEEE/ICCC 2020

3 min readAug 10, 2020

The 9th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2020) is held online, 9–11 August 2020. This conference features world-class plenary speakers, major technical symposiums, industry and academic panels, workshops, tutorials and invited tracks. The accepted papers are invited to conference symposia for presentation and publication in the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore.(Website

Based on the GreenPass practice this year, the founder of GreenPass project, Weimin Xin, wrote the paper “Fighting COVID-19 and helping the economy reopen by using blockchain technology” for the 2nd EBTSRA (Emerging Blockchain Technology Solutions for Real-world Applications) 2020 under the 9th IEEE/ICCC.

GreenPass is trying to build a global framework based on personal health status. It focuses on personal health data management with strong privacy protection. It generates the colored health status QR code and enables various use cases, such as access control, team management, appointment management, etc. It’s aiming at all essential scenarios, such as merchant, school, office, travel & hotel, airports, and the vulnerable nursing homes.

GreenPass uses blockchain technology to ensure the data privacy and integrity, which has the characteristics of authenticity, tamper resistance, and traceability. The key elements GreenPass utilized are DID (Decentralized Identity) and VC (Verifiable Credentials). Elastos DID ledger is used and proven to be suitable for this scenario. It guarantees the data ownership and the permission based data sharing is in the individual’s own control. This is essential for global adoption.

The paper was presented by Weimin Xin on August 9th, and received good attention. As Weimin stated in the conclusion: “The world is suffering in this pandemic and economic crisis. GreenPass is a good practice to utilize the emerging technology, blockchain, to solve the problem. It makes the impossible triangle of safety, mobility, privacy, become possible. Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the infrastructure of next generation application and business. Data ownership, privacy control, personal data property rights, globalized collaboration framework, blockchain technology can play an important role in all these domains. We are convinced the advanced technology can help solve the global problem for humanity and sustainability. GreenPass is still a preliminary solution in this grand direction, we will push it forward and believe more and more people will join this trend.”

As a non-profit project, GreenPass is open to any organizations and countries who might need it. GreenPass is not just a short-term solution for the pandemic, but a long term health passport for everyone.


GreenPass has been listed in IOS App Store, Google Play, Huawei, Samsung, Baidu, OPPO and other application markets, search “GreenPass” to download. You can also long press & scan the QR code below to download.


For more information, check the GreenPass website:

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